Maybe I should start by introducing myself and let you know who I am. *awkwardly says hi* Well, my name is Gabriela and I just recently turned 20 years old. I am studying at the University of Arizona, but I am originally from Puerto Rico.
If you met me one year ago, you would've NEVER believed I had a passion for beauty and makeup. I was the most laid back, i-dont-care-about-that-crap person and i literally never allowed myself to embrace what I have and make it work. This past semester was a really rough one. I struggled with balancing work, study and sleep, keeping my motivation/focus and had major self-confidence issues. I will save the story of how exactly getting into makeup and beauty has helped me for later. For now, I just want to state that the main reasons for me being where I am today are Zoe (zoella) and Louise(sprinkleofglitter). But enough about that...
I have been thinking about starting a beauty blog for a long time but I just never had the time or courage to do it. I am constantly trying new products and reviewing them on Amazon and manufacturers’ websites, but I wanted something more. To me, reviewing products and being helpful to other people is really fun so even if no one reads this blog, I will do it because I truly enjoy it.
You can expect to see anything from hauls, posts about my favorite products of the month, great beauty deals at the drugstore, and more importantly, detailed reviews about the products I have tried. I am still not sure how often I will update this blog. It might be every other day, once a week or twice a month. Let’s see how this goes.
Come join this adventure with me and let’s have fun!
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